
How To Make A Small Spy Camera

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Someone's been snooping around in your things, merely you don't know how to prove it. Whether the culprit is a friend, a family fellow member, a coworker, or a mortal enemy: a hidden camera tin help y'all collect the prove you need to confront the culprit and put an end to their sneaking means.

  1. one

    Obtain a inexpensive webcam. Yous should be able to find a suitable model for less than $10. Run a spider web search for "inexpensive webcam".

    • Selection a basic, compact webcam. The camera must be pocket-size enough to escape detection. You may choose to hide it inside a household object like a pencil sharpener or a tissue box; behave this in mind as you're choosing a camera.
    • If you lot want to gear up the camera every bit soon as possible, you should be able to detect a webcam at a large electronics store (BestBuy, Circuit City, etc.) Ask for their cheapest, smallest model.
    • If you're trying to capture a serious crime, consider installing a professional person-grade security camera.[ane] Homemade hidden cameras are fun, and they will piece of work in a pinch--simply the video quality will be much higher on a more expensive setup.
  2. 2

    Remove the outer shell of the webcam. You should be able to come across the circuit board upon which the lens is mounted. This will make the camera considerably smaller, and thus much easier to hide.[2]


  3. three

    Pick your hiding spot. Go creative! Your photographic camera volition non exist so easily spotted if you hide it inside a nondescript household object. Make sure to use something that you would ordinarily go on in your room or function; an out-of-place object may arouse suspicion.[3]

    • For example: Find an old electric pencil sharpener that no-one is using. You can have out the insides and point the photographic camera out of the pencil-sharpening hole. Unscrew the shell and remove the motor, the wires, and the power cord from the inside. Brand certain that the sharpener is unplugged!
    • Effort using a cardboard shoe-box or tissue box. Cut a small pigsty in the side of the box so that the camera can "see" out. Make sure that the hole isn't too big: y'all don't want anyone to go suspicious!
    • Consider using a shopping bag or gift bag. Over again, cut a small hole in the side of the bag. The hole will be harder to spot if the outside of the purse is textured or patterned. A black or dark-colored bag will brand the hole even harder to notice.
    • Consider hiding the camera in the leaves of a potted establish or deep in the recesses of a bookshelf--anywhere that someone will be unlikely to wait closely. Make sure that the camera lens is pointing where you need it to point.
  4. 4

    Mount the camera within the object. Point the lens facing out of the pigsty in the object. Make sure that the camera fits, and that it doesn't wait obvious.

    • If you remember that the object volition exist moved around at all, consider using superglue to concord the photographic camera in place. Glue the outer rim of the camera lens such that it'southward facing out of the pigsty. Be careful to keep glue away from the lens glass--this will blur the video quality, and information technology is very hard to remove.
  5. 5

    Record or glue fishing weights inside the shell to continue the object from seeming unusually light. This is nearly important when hiding a photographic camera inside machines--pencil sharpeners, clocks, and the like--that normally feel heavy.

    • If you lot don't accept line-fishing weights, any heavy, flat piece of metal should do the trick. Be careful when handling jagged metal.
  6. 6

    Thread the USB cord (the cablevision that connects the webcam to the computer) through the back of the hiding spot. Y'all may need to place the hidden camera near your reckoner if the cable isn't very long.

    • Cover the USB cord with something. Loose papers or a jacket will do--merely make information technology await natural. If a "pencil sharpener" is obviously connected to your computer, the snooper may go suspicious.
  7. 7

    If you hide your camera within an appliance, consider taping up an "Out of Social club" sign then that no-one tries to use it. If someone tries to turn it on, they might find your camera.

    • Keep in mind, however, that an "Out of Social club" sign may call attending to the object. People may be more likely to ignore the "appliance" if you don't label it--especially if you lot place it out of the way.[4]
  8. 8

    Indicate your camera toward the scene of the criminal offense. Think of yourself as a picture director setting up a scene: call back most what you are trying to bear witness with the footage, and think virtually how of import information technology is that you tin can see the culprit'southward confront.

    • If y'all merely want someone to stay out of your space--say, a sibling sneaking into your room--bespeak the photographic camera toward the door so that you can take hold of them coming in.
    • If you lot are trying to stop someone from messing with a specific thing--say, you want to continue a sibling from taking your clothes, or a coworker from stealing your stapler--point the camera toward that affair and so that yous tin can encounter what they do.
    • If you want to capture several different crimes, set the camera back far enough that the lens catches a broad swath of the room. Consider setting upwards ii cameras, though be sure to vary your hiding spots.


  1. 1

    Larn a smartphone. Whatever old Android, iPhone, or internet-capable iPod should do the trick--anything that can run an app and access the cyberspace.

    • Comport in mind that the phone itself volition be taking the footage. Thus, yous won't exist able to use the phone for anything else while you're filming. It'south best to utilize a phone that you don't need on a regular basis; you lot may be able to acquire a used phone from a friend or from a used-phone retailer.
    • Make sure that you have an Air-conditioning power charger for the phone. Information technology volition be very energy-intensive to record a constant video stream, and you lot'll demand to keep the phone charging.
  2. two

    Install a gratuitous webcam app. [5] You should be able to find a suitable programme from your phone using the App Store or the Google Play Shop. Search for "webcam app".

    • Look for apps like IP Webcam, MobileWebCam, DroidCam, or iCam. Read reviews before y'all download whatsoever app, and make certain that y'all're downloading something prophylactic.
    • Many of these apps are free, and the developers make their coin from ads. Don't worry almost paying for a more than expensive app; a gratis plan should be sufficient.
    • Yous will need to give the webcam app full control of your phone's camera, pregnant that no other app can apply the camera while the webcam app is running. This will not damage your phone or its photographic camera.
  3. 3

    Note the URL for your webcam app. Y'all will need this to link the phone to your computer.

  4. four

    Connect the telephone to your PC. Make certain that the ii devices are connected to the same wireless network. You lot will be able to remotely watch and record the feed. Apply any video player with stream compatibility, such equally VLC or Windows Media Player.

    • If yous are using VLC, click "Open Network Stream" on the "Media" menu, and enter the URL that shows upward on the telephone'south webcam app. Once y'all enter this URL, you should exist given the choice to connect to the phone's camera.
    • Free programs like VLC and Windows Media Player are bully for watching a webcam stream through your estimator, but y'all won't be able to record high-quality footage. If y'all're actually serious nigh surveillance, consider looking into pricier webcam studio software.
  5. 5

    Ready the camera. The phone will demand to sit adjacent to a charger, then plan accordingly. Bespeak the phone-camera lens toward the surface area that you want to film, and place the telephone such that information technology won't fall flat.

    • Leaning the phone casually confronting a wall or a stack of books may suffice, especially if the telephone is laying on its lengthwise side.
    • Consider hiding the telephone inside of a household object. Run across the "Hiding a Webcam Inside a Household Object" section.
    • Turn off the sound and the vibrate characteristic on the phone, particularly if the phone is enabled to take calls and texts. A loud ringtone at the wrong moment could ruin your entire plan.
  6. 6

    Secure your network. Consider setting a secure, password-protected wireless network. If you set this up on an unprotected or public network, anyone who can pick upward the network will exist able to see your footage.

    • Ask your cyberspace service provider about secure network options. If you are paying for wireless internet, you should exist able to set up a password from your router.
  7. vii

    Watch the stream from your reckoner. If you need to go out the house, you can connect to a public wifi network at a java shop, a restaurant, or a library.


  1. 1

    Exist aware of the police. In the U.South., information technology is by and large legal to utilize a subconscious camera to record footage without a person'due south consent--provided that you are filming in public or within your own home. Many states have passed laws confronting filming people in spaces where they have a reasonable expectation of privacy, such as bathrooms or personal bedrooms.[6]

    • It is generally legal to use a subconscious camera in the workplace, as long your filming pertains to a business organisation. Don't movie someone at work without their consent in lodge to settle a personal dispute--unless you're ready to adventure legal consequences.[7]
    • Laws vary between states and countries. Research the laws for your area earlier yous tape sound or video of anyone without their express consent.
    • If y'all are planning to distribute the footage, sell the footage, or use information technology in courtroom, then it is extremely important that you follow the law. If you are only planning to utilise the footage for personal entertainment purposes, you lot may non need to worry so much.
  2. ii

    Download a webcam recording program. Run a web search for "gratuitous webcam recording program" and install the software onto your computer.

    • You may be able to utilise Windows Movie Maker or iVideo, if these are already installed on your calculator. Search the Get-go menu (lesser left-hand corner of the Windows desktop) to figure out whether you have a program installed.
  3. 3

    Hook the USB cord up to your computer. When y'all leave the room, or when you lot are prepare to start recording, kicking upwards the recording software and click "Record".

    • Cover up the USB cord with something and so that it isn't obviously running to the hidden camera. Books, papers, or a jacket volition do--anything that looks natural.
  4. iv

    If you already own a webcam, consider simply using your existing photographic camera to accept the footage. Be subtle; merely do this if you typically keep a webcam next to your calculator.

    • Proceed in heed that while this may be a more than straightforward approach, the snooper may be more than suspicious if they detect a camera bespeak at them--even if they don't think that information technology'south turned on.
    • Be certain to turn off, embrace, or disable the LED light that shows that your webcam is running. The "recording" lite may tip off a snooper that they are beingness filmed.
  5. 5

    Make sure to plough off or darken your screen. If the screen is open and the snooper tin can see the webcam feed, they will know that they are being recorded. You take to be sneaky to catch a sneak.

    • If you own a desktop estimator, you should be able to plough off the monitor and leave the computer tower running.
    • If you own a laptop, you may exist able to put the screen to slumber while the recording program runs. You may also consider folding the screen down until the laptop is almost--but not quite--airtight. The reckoner will look like information technology's off, simply it will withal be running.
  6. half-dozen

    Keep recording until you become the footage you demand. Exit the camera running when you think that it will capture what it needs to capture. If you lot're not sure, exit it on as often as possible.

    • If time goes on and you don't capture anything incriminating, reconsider the situation. Was the snooping a one-time thing? Has the snooper found a style to sneak around your camera?


  1. 1

    Use a video editing programme to isolate the clip of the crime. Your figurer may be pre-installed with a default program (Windows Flick Maker or iVideo); if non, you should exist able to download complimentary video editing software from the Internet.

    • Make sure that the clip shows exactly what you need to prove your signal. Whether you defenseless a sibling stealing from your room or a coworker stealing from your cubicle: the prune should start a few seconds earlier the crime and end a few seconds after.
    • Save the relevant footage in a new video file, merely do not delete the extra footage just yet. Sometimes evidence appears where we least expect information technology. You may find something interesting when you review the extra footage.
  2. 2

    Save an extra copy of the footage in a divide binder. If yous plan to use this video to brand any sort of legal or professional case, it is important to protect your evidence.

    • Consider emailing yourself a copy of the file. Even if someone goes to desperate measures to find and delete the footage from your computer, y'all will have a remote re-create that y'all can download onto any computer with an internet connection.
    • For the same reason: consider saving the footage onto a USB flash drive. Proceed the bulldoze in a safety identify.
  3. 3

    Face the snooper. Be tactful. Tell them that yous know that they were sneaking effectually in your things, and ask them them not to do and then again.

    • You do not need to bring upward the hidden camera immediately. Information technology may come in handy afterward, if they proceed to sneak around after yous've asked them to stop. If they ain up to their snooping ways when you confront them, so you lot don't need to bear witness them the evidence.
    • If the snooper knows that you lot've subconscious a camera somewhere, and knows where yous've hidden it, they may find a fashion to sneak effectually it. Don't reveal your trump bill of fare correct away.
  4. 4

    Forgive, but don't forget. Some people don't larn the kickoff time they're caught. Be enlightened that depending on who you're dealing with, merely catching the snooper in the act once may not stop them from snooping in the time to come.

    • Consider leaving the camera running when yous suspect that the snooper might strike over again. It never hurts to be certain.
    • If the problem continues, tell an authority figure. If you're dealing with a sneaky sibling, tell your parents. If you're dealing with a sneaky coworker, consider notifying your supervisor. If the snooping is of a criminal nature, consider contacting the police.


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  • Question

    Can a photographic camera be hidden on a person?

    Community Answer

    Yes, you tin buy special glasses that have cameras in them at spy shops or online.

  • Question

    Can that exist used in a classroom?

    Community Answer

    Webcams tin be used wherever they are needed. Simply exist conscientious non to go caught!

  • Question

    What do I exercise if I become caught by the camera each time?

    Community Answer

    Either stop sneaking around, or map the area of where the camera can run into, and when the fourth dimension is right sneak effectually information technology.

  • Question

    Can I go a alive feed of my hidden camera if I'm in a different state?

    Community Answer

    Yes, y'all tin get a live feed if you are in a different state, but you might need an internet connection for it, and also install some kind of software or website.

  • Question

    Do I have to pay for the programme?

    Community Answer

    Information technology depends what program you lot get. Gratis apps piece of work just too as paid apps.

  • Question

    How do I get a live video stream from my telephone?

    Community Answer

    You tin purchase wireless cameras on various online sites such as Amazon or eBay, and there are apps to go with them.

  • Question

    What do I do if I'm not immune to use hidden cameras in school?

    Community Answer

    Don't practice information technology, and so. You tin can always utilize your subconscious photographic camera at home.

  • Question

    If I wearable glasses, could I put a camera on those?

    Community Answer

    If it doesn't await likewise suspicious, go ahead and do that. You tin even buy glasses with a congenital-in camera.

  • Question

    Is there some way to lengthen the cord that connects the webcam to the computer?

    Community Answer

    Yeah. Y'all should be able to become USB extension cords from your local computer store, or online.

  • Question

    Is it okay if I put a camera in my cousin'due south shower?

    Community Answer

    Absolutely not.

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  • If your camera has an LED light that lights up when it is on, be sure to disable it.

  • If your camera has a microphone, cutting a tiny pigsty in the sharpener under the "Out of Order" sign and glue it in that location

  • If you have a Macintosh, download a plan called Macam from . This is a great program, as it will permit yous both record and take pictures. Many webcams are not compatible with Macintosh computers.

Thanks for submitting a tip for review!


  • When y'all reveal the bear witness, just tell your parents and sibling that you left an ordinary video camcorder running in the room. Do not reveal your cloak-and-dagger weapon.

  • Be aware that it is generally illegal to flick people without their consent in spaces where they tin can reasonably expect privacy such as bathrooms or personal bedrooms.


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Article Summary X

To make a hidden photographic camera, remove the outer shell of a compact webcam and hide the cam in a stationary object in the area where yous desire to record. If you aren't able to utilize a wireless webcam, make sure that the webcam'south USB cord is hidden and plugged into your computer. You tin also download a free webcam app onto your smartphone and link the phone to your figurer. You tin then spotter the footage remotely on your PC using a video thespian with stream compatibility. For tips on setting upwards your camera to capture the best video, read on!

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